Saturday, September 6, 2008

Who said corn on the cob was just for peoples?

Recently I was telling Debbie how Brizzy and Cowboy have been enjoying Ruth's corn right along with the rest of us. She thought it was hilarious when I told her that they ate it much like we peoples do. I promised her some video shots the next time we ate corn so ... HERE YA GO!

Brizzy is better at eating corn than Cowboy is ...

But Cowboy isn't bad either ...

Aussie-Healers are such intelligent woofs ... gotta love 'em.


Deborah W said...

Oh my gosh, these are hilarious!!! And I'm flattered to be singled out with "these are for you!" Soooooo cute those doggies are, and so smart! Did you have to teach them to do that, or did it just come naturally? You've inspired me to get Scout's video up soon, where she's drinking my milk! I LOVE BLOGS! Love, Deb

Margaret said...

That is just funny. I've never seen dogs do that. Although I shouldn't be surprised, Lola has her quirks as well.

Karen Brothersen said...

I love you Judy! And I love your blog! You are so fun! love, karen B.

Judy said...

I'm glad you guys enjoyed this - the dogs are a hoot. They pretty much taught themselves ... well, Briz taught himself after a few words from us like "Just your teeth, Briz" and then when Cowboy came along Briz taught him. Debbie, I'm looking forward to seeing Scout drinking your milk. Hah!

Jamie said...

The Boyz are brilliant!
That's pretty impressive. although not a dog owner myself... you know I come from a serious dog-lovin family. I am always impressed with their intelligence and what they seem to comprehend. I saw Briz the other day and was sad to see how hard it is for him to walk. Ruth was very upset. we caught her on the day shed taken him to the vet a few days ago. Let her know we have not forgotten him and he'll be remembered in our prayers as will she!