Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We soldier on

Well there are lots of other things I want to write about (Super Saturday will be next!) and oh my goodness! I'm really behind the times in creative stuff I can do with this blog (I can't believe some of the cool stuff I'm seeing on you, my friends' blogs), but right now our sweet little Brizzy is still very heavily on my mind. So here's a quick update before I head on home (and to bed):

We haven't gotten The Word yet on the biopsy - still waiting. We are both hopeful and anxious and I'm not sure if "no news is good news" as Ruth keeps saying, or if no news means "We are reticent about calling and giving you the bad news." We keep hoping for good news though. The Briz has been given a pain reprieve thanks to all of the wonderful prayers offered on his behalf, the power of the Priesthood, and the "quiet" he's been forced to endure (lots of staying in the house, no running, jumping, etc.). Even getting into the car for some rides has been easier thanks to our wonderful Home Teacher, Brother Bennett who came over and cut some board down for us to use as a ramp from ground to car seat. Ruth glued carpet down onto one of the boards and it's worked like a charm.

Ever since last week when everyone began praying in earnest for Brizzy and some of Heavenly Father's power was offered on his behalf, the little woof has acted almost like his normal self. It was evident the pain had receded and he felt better. He even wanted to play. It's been such a gift and I have felt deeply grateful. Today he's hurting a bit again, though not too bad (I hope). He certainly did attempt to exert his independence though when I got home! Hah. He has had enough of our crazy rules. Here he is -- Brizzy making a statement:

"Hmpfh, make me stay in that house any longer?! I don't think so! I'll just show you by going into MY house to work on my basement for a while." (Notice how a tree has taken over the next-door apartment? Gotta pull that baby outa there someday ...)
"Okay, let's get some good dig on!"
"And I'm just going to sit here for a minute ..." (you can't see him very well, but he's in there) ...
"And it's hard with this darn foot, but I'll just dig a little bit more because I want to."
"Okay, enough of that. NOW I'm going around to the back yard and don't you try to stop me!"
"And to REALLY make a point, I'm sitting myself down right here and not budging."
Even when I tried to coax him with "Go for a ride?!" He wasn't havin' it. He just sat there and looked at me as if to say, "I dare you." I finally got him with food though. He's always up for "Want a treat?!" (Thank goodness for peanut butter and carrots!!!!!) And THEN we went for that ride. Cowboy was going manic -- we had to.

A side note: You may think Ruth and I are a little crazy, but we've chosen to use everything we can think of at our disposal, to help Brizzy. We have even visited a natureopathic (is that a word?) healer-lady who reads irises, and who gave us a very interesting regime of homeopathic products to follow. AND I wire-wrapped two stones for the Briz to wear. See this?

That's amethyst and lapis lazuli. Both are healing stones and have very positive vibrations. Okay I know, that's just waayyy weird (to some). But hey, everything on this earth is made up of the same protons, neutrons and electrons, true? It makes perfect sense to me that the electrons in stones could vibrate to the same frequency as some of our cells and generate energy. Why not? In the end, isn't that how we utilize food energy? At any rate, I agree with the iris-lady who said that the Lord has given us all the tools we need on this earth to take care of ourselves. I have learned that the power of prayer and the power of the Priesthood are the greatest of all and should be our main focus, but there's nothing wrong with utilizing some of these other tools as well. I plan to add rose quartz and citrine very soon, too. And you want to know something odd? I was recently drawn to all four of those stones (the two in the above picture and the two I'll be adding) at a recent gem show. I just had to get them. Who knows? Maybe it was a foreshadow of my need for them. Or maybe I just got lucky. All I know is I'm happy to add them to the arsenal. :-) Sweet Brizzy aside, I do love gemstones. I've always been drawn to them.


Deborah W said...

Love the idea for the stones! I still have mine that I got when we went on our trip to Oregon, remember? They WORK! Thinking of you all.....Love, Deb

Judy said...

Hey girlfriend, how cool. I DO remember! Awesome, aren't they? Thank you for your thoughts & prayers! Luv ya, BFF.

Answer to Many said...

We take our precious puppies to a homeopathic vet in bountiful that has done wonders for Lucy's arthritis in her hip. Alot of times the alternative cures work the best!

Jamie said...

I love the independent Brizzy pics. and your commentary. It's so scary when someone we love is sick and hurting, human or almost human...
I'm sure it will bring you both peace knowing you're doing all you can possibly do to relieve his pain and help him heal.