Friday, March 6, 2009

Creativity - I do love President Uchtdorf

My BFF sent me the following wonderful clip the other day ... it's so good, I wanted to share:

It really is a most powerful, inspirational message -- so beautifully done it made me cry, a little (of course I'm always hormonal, these days).

I don't know who puts together that Mormon Messages site on YouTube, but I'm glad they are doing it. They are helping to communicate some of what we believe, as LDS peoples.

This clip came from a talk given by President Uchtdorf last September, during the LDS Women's General Conference Broadcast. That was one of the best talks I've heard in a long time -- so inspiring and empowering. And delightful, too! President Uchtdorf is such a charming human being. Here is a link to the talk:,5232,23-1-947-37,00.html

If you can watch the video, do that because hearing the talk is a different experience from reading it (just scroll down to the very last talk on the page -- it's called "Happiness, Your Heritage"):,5239,23-1-947,00.html

But if you can't watch it I hope you read it ... again and again and again. Even if you are not LDS, I think you will enjoy and appreciate what he has to say.

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